Welcome to our sanctuary of embodied integration, plant magic, and emotional alchemy.

Together, we humbly gather and integrate the lessons and musings of our somatic and spiritual paths.



Emotions and sensations are the languages of the intuition and body. We will learn the importance of our feelings and somatic experiences as we continue to cultivate the beauty of our own becoming. Everything is our teacher, if we let it.



Integrating our personal meanings of what makes us, or something, beautiful. Together we will weave and unpack the mysteries of living a nourishing, sensual, and ravenous life. Let’s open and orient ourselves to the profound and the profane.



All great teachers, practitioners, and seekers learn to cultivate the strength of devotion into their everyday lives. It takes a combination of practice and trial + error. Here, you are guided in various practices to commune with the Sacred.



The world needs your unique coding of magic. Wether its through how you hold space for others, how you show up for your loved ones, or how you organize your energy in your daily life, to fully harness your magic is a beautiful infinite study of energy.



This is our safe space to process our latest psychedelic endeavors, numinous experiences, and other expanded states of consciousness. When we find community that encourages our hearts and souls to open, we feel layers of ourselves receive nourishment that wouldn’t otherwise be tended to. We heal, innerstand, and expand, together.

O U R   R E C I P E

in this bi-monthly group, the following ingredients will be activated in our cauldron

meet your guide:


Welcome, dear one! I am so honored to be connected with you in this way.

Over the last decade, I have been steeped in the experiential and academic supervised studies of depth psychotherapy, somatic experiencing©, trauma-informed yoga + meditation, and plant/fungi medicine use from both Indigenous and Western cultures.

I wrote my thesis on the relationship between ancient methods of witchcraft and modern depth psychotherapy. I have held therapy groups for those struggling with various addictions, attachment traumas, and eating disorders. I have worked as a care taker for disabled adults and supported neurodivergent children to feel embodied.

I have been to births and I have been to deaths. I have lived in the jungles of Costa Rica, and studied from wisdom keepers and ancient plant medicines from indigenous reserves in southern Colombia. I have always been on a quest to intimately study the infinite ways consciousness expresses itself.

The concept of an Inner Altar was a powerful download I received when deep in a personal process of self inquiry around my service to humanity, my body, my path. It crystallized into radiant form when I realized all I needed in order to feel magic was to not focus so much of what I was doing but how i was doing it. When this powerful shift occurred, my entire practice and path went from “what other practice or adventure do I need to do to feel connected to magic again?” to “how can i cultivate devoted presence to all areas of my life?”

Game changer.

What these peak experiences have taught me is that we have the ability to connect with the Sacred in any given present moment.


You can have transcendent experiences while

washing the dishes

looking out a window

smelling a flower


sweeping the porch.

Experiences of ordinary and profound states of consciousness are part of human life.

Integration is the way in which we weave our latest lessons, rememberings, and discoveries from ordinary and expanded states of consciousness together.

the essence of INNER ALTAR :

INNER ALTAR is a community group that gathers virtually, twice monthly on Tuesday’s for a ceremonial 90 minutes together. In this intimate and affordable way to receive support along your spiritual path, this gathering is part group therapy, part group coaching, part spiritual-psychosomatic education. You will be apart of a like minded and like hearted community whom long to continue their deep inner work, together.

o n t u e s d a y s

2 x p e r m o n t h

@ 1 0 - 1 1 : 3 0 a m P S T

$ 1 1 1 p/mo

your monthly subscription includes:

☆ channeled and guided group meditations ☆

☆ psychedelic integration support ☆

☆ private community signal chat ☆

☆ embodied magic + psychedelic psychoeducation ☆